I also got the evalutis.exceptions.ValidationError and sent you an email with my job id.
I already double checked that the predictions and the volume have the same shape, as well as that there are not any typos in the file or zip name.
The predictions were created with the following code:
# seg : numpy matrix
# cid : case id
# output_path : prediction directory (e.g. "predictions")
# Write a segmentation prediction into in the NIFTI file format
def save_segmentation(seg, cid, output_path):
# Resolve location where data should be written
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
raise IOError(
"Data path, {}, could not be resolved".format(str(output_path))
# Convert numpy array to NIFTI
nifti = nib.Nifti1Image(seg, None)
# nifti.get_data_dtype() = seg.dtype
# Save segmentation to disk
nib.save(nifti, os.path.join(output_path,
"prediction_" + str(cid).zfill(5) + ".nii.gz"))
If we can track down the problem here in public, it may help others to avoid it.